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Parts Technical Support零件技术支持
面议 北京朝阳区 应届毕业生 本科
Parts Technical Support零件技术支持
面议 北京朝阳区 应届毕业生 本科
Main Job Responsibility 1. Identifying parts sourcing and preparing for new model launch - Base on parts code and model series, identify the correct parts sourcing. - Change supplier code for import parts. - Find supplier name for local parts if not recognize by BBAC - Collaboration and coordination across GSP, RD, BBAC for special parts sourcing decision. 2. End of production model parts preparation. - Finding EOP parts usage scope - Identify parts usage period in production line - Explore alternative solution for EOP parts which cannot support by supplier - Parts documentation maintenance support: 3. Monitoring parts supplier code in Primus - Modification wrong supplier code - Maintenance supersession chain in Primus - Maintenance supersession chain valid date base on local part support status - Help BBAC find production part number from lower structure part 4. Searching and finding production part number from other related part number for BBAC recognition - Finding supplier information for BBAC further check - 3R and urgent cases internal support: 5. Alternative solution research - Identifying production part for further possibility - Searching for replacement import part - Check with GSP technical support to identify other solutions 6. Other tasks assigned by supervisor according to business needs Education

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