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Process Engineer 工艺工程师
面议 上海浦东新区 应届毕业生 本科
Process Engineer 工艺工程师
面议 上海浦东新区 应届毕业生 本科
1. Training for production and other department personnel
2. Analyze production KPI's and improve cycle time, output, scrap and other related Key Performance Indicators
3. Trouble shooting and root cause analysis for production/process problems within team
4. Realize type integrations on production Line
5. Participate in daily SQDC meeting, take short and long term actions accordingly
6. Participates final approvals for machines and equipments
7. Execution and Inprove of measurement system analysis (MSA)
8. Define assembly processes, discuss specification with supplier and support implementation
9. Support global project team for new type integration or new machines
10. Create processes/machines/tooling requirement and communication with supplier
11. Responsible for the project timing and budget
12. Coordinate personal leading in his own responsibilty area, as well as Team work with related departments and team
13. Create related documentation for process (MED/ MSA/ CKL/Mesurement checklist, ….)
14. Implement and finish additional assigned job from the supervisor
15. Ensure good communication within team and share lessons learned sharing with cross deparmtents
16. Ceate WI (operation, change over, calibration), LISP, lesson learnt documents and realize training
17. Coordinate project / set up and optimize until Q-Release, PPAP are fulfilled
18. Definition of new concepts for machines or line optimization, fixtures and tooling (Solidworks/ AutoCAD)

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