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12000-15000元 上海松江区 应届毕业生 本科
领科教育上海校区 2024-04-30 02:37:14
12000-15000元 上海松江区 应届毕业生 本科
领科教育上海校区 2024-04-30 02:37:14
上海领科双语学校-SABIS学部 • Performing administrative tasks, such as recruitment, training, plans, objectives, budgets, policies and procedures, and liaising with the regional IT operations and support team and SES to complete these duties. • Installing and deploying all new SABIS® software applications and releases, and ensuring full and proper usage of the software systems and solutions by granting proper access rights, training end users and deploying support manuals on all SABIS® and third-party IT solutions, in addition to keeping users posted on new updates. • Reporting all encountered valid malfunctions and abnormalities in the SABIS® application software and issues/requests through SABIS® IssueTrak Service Management in order to maintain the software’s. • Procuring, setting up and configuring all needed hardware and network components (servers, cabinets, switches, and other equipment) that are needed to deploy the software solutions. • Maintaining the whole IT infrastructure including but not limited to the server room network equipment, IT systems, end user devices while ensuring that all the IT standards and processes are being followed and implemented as per the SABIS® policies and in coordination with the SABIS® IT Infrastructure team. • Maintaining data integrity and backups. • Setting up and maintaining all deployed end user hardware (Workstations, PCs, Thin clients, Laptops and IWBs) and providing every needed user support to ensure proper IT operations. • Designing, implementing and maintaining all networks. • Implementing, maintaining and overseeing the usage of all set SES standard IT policies and procedures in order to ensure consistency. • Performing such other IT related tasks as they arise and as delegated by the SABIS® management.

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